All indications so far are for Ramadhan to end on Tuesday July 5th in which case Eid Al Fitr will be on Wednesday July 6th. All members are requested to pray Maghrib in jamaat on Tuesday July 5th and look for the New Moon. Eid date will be confirmed based on moon-sighting information. There will be no taraweeh prayers on the night the new moon is sighted
Eid logistics will be as follows:
1. 8.00 am Start Takbiraath
2. 8.30 am Eid Salah followed by Khutbah
3. 9.00 am Breakfast and Lunch
4. Moonbounce and Slides for Children from 10 am to 3pm
5. Sisters will pray in the main hall and the basement area
6. Brothers will pray in the parking lot outside
7. Volunteer must arrive by 7am sharp to help with setting up prayer and food areas
8. Zakaat ul Fitra is $10/- per person must be paid before Eid Salah at the latest.
Note: It is sunnah to eat an odd number of dates before going out to the Eid Salah (so that you are not in a state of fasting on the Eid Day).