MASJID-AR-RAHMAN , 723 Merchant Street, Coatesville, PA 19320
As-salaamu Alaikum !! **Masjid Is Open for All salawat** Jummah always 1.10 pm to 1.40 pm**Donate on-line !** We are a 501(c) Non-Profit Organization**All donations are tax deductible** Email us at***May Allah(swt) Protect us all **

Prophethood is not unknown to heavenly revealed religions, such as Judaism and Christianity. In Islam, however, it has a special status and significance.

According to Islam, God (Allah) created man for a noble purpose: to worship Him and lead a virtuous life based on His teachings and guidance. How would man know his role and purpose of his existence unless he received clear and practical instructions of what Allah wants him to do? Here comes the need for prophethood. Thus God had chosen from every nation a prophet or more to covey His Message to people.
